Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Play Dough Day

I made some homemade play dough today. I made blue because I needed to get rid of the last blue I made. I tried this new recipe on my last blue batch that was ok, but I think the problem was that I didn't knead it long enough. So I stuck with the tried and true recipe that I found at PlaydoughRecipe.com.

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2 T cream of tartar
1 T oil
1 cup water
food coloring

You mix the food coloring in the water, and then throw all the ingredients in a pan and heat it on the stovetop at med high heat. The really hard part for me is having to stir it constantly! Once it's doughy you take it out of the pan and knead it. :-) So simple.

Of course, while I was there I saw a recipe for rubbery play dough! I'm going to get the ingredients tomorrow. Sounds interesting. :-) I'm going to make black! My first batch of black!

Josiah and I have been doing activities I found online to teach colors and stuff. He's been enjoying it all, and it's easy for me to do. Just stuff around the house. My next activity is pots and their corresponding lids. It's like a puzzle for him. I loved this one! Hopefully, he will, too.

I got my canvases out of the package and found my pencil (it always seems to disappear!) so I'm all set to sketch out the airplanes!!! It's a step, at least, right? If I feel well enough tonight I'm hoping to draw at least one airplane..... That's the thing about having health problems. Your mind is all ready to do things, but you feel so sick you can't. Argh. But it has made all the good times that much more special!

The book I'm reading to review right now is good. The first story was a surprise b/c of the plot. Makes for a very happy reader. ;-)

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