Thursday, March 11, 2010

John Bunyan

John Bunyan by Kevin Belmonte is part of the Christian Encounters series. This book made me want to read Pilgrim's Progress again!

It was a very easy read, but it seemed more for teens than adults. I found it very informative, though. I didn't know that he struggled with his salvation for seven years, or that he was depressed from it. But it all makes sense when you see how well he portrays Christian in Pilgrim's Progress.

I think my favorite part of the book was when the author told how so many influential people admired Bunyan's writing and that they tried to imitate his art. Some authors wrote books loosely based on Pilgrim's Progress. Even Lousia May Alcott play acted Christian's journey. I found these tidbits fascinating.

John Bunyan wrote many characters into his books that struggled like Mr. Despondency and Miss Much-Afraid. It showed how sympathetic he was to everyone's particular struggle.

John Bunyan had a lot of loss in his life, but God gave him a great gift. I'm thankful that he let God work through him instead of getting angry and despairing. Because of his suffering, he gave us one of the greatest books of all time!

This book was sent to me free from

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